Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bass Loop

On this loop, I had a lot of trouble coming up with the right bass pattern. At first, it was really simple, and I added the partial scale in the C part to make it more interesting. The drum loop I used for the fills was chosen kind of randomly at the last minute, so please tell me if you think it works well. The bass "pulsing" on one note took a while to figure out that I had to have two separate patterns-one all "pulses" and the other half "pulses" and half different notes. I liked the variety of different base sounds on FL Studio and each part (A, B, and C) has a different bass in it. I wanted simple drum loops, and just used the FPC ones for them. Overall, I am please with how this turned out, considering how much of a mess it was in the beginning.


  1. I really like your bass patterns, especially the second bass that comes in. Also, I think the drum loop sounds okay, although in some places it doesn't quite fit. Nice touch of the volume when at some places you can hear the bass more, and others you can here the drums. Nice job! :)

  2. What strikes me about this loop is the hi hat part in the drum pattern that you selected "at random". The bass line that you wrote (which I assume was not random) stays out of the way of the hi hat when the hi hat gets busy. It really sounds like to musicians interacting- one filling the space that the other has left. Very well done. The second pattern seemed t have an effect on it- some sort of modulating effect that worked well. I enjoyed your loop very much.

  3. I liked the first bass part but it didn't seem to fit in that well, though it was good. The second was pure amazingness (that's totally a word). and the last one reminded me of the first. In the end I liked it, it was easy to listen to and enjoyable.
