Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Here is the video to go with the post from below and a couple of pointers.
  • turn the sound on the video off
  • wait for both the video and the clip to load before playing
Hope you enjoy it!

Final Video Project

This video was actually the hardest project this year-fitting because it was the final. Overall, I think it took me 4 or 5 hours. Thank you to Dari, Heidi, and Russell for the voices. I started off by watching the video. Then I made a couple patterns that got thrown away in the end. I found a drum loop and the trumpet sound in the beginning. Next I decided to record a bunch of friends. After I figured out how to put them in the project, I added all of the other parts. In my opinion something is missing, but Mr. Rabuse said it was all good. What do you think?

Chord Progression

For this project it was the sound that got me going. It reminds me of The Little Mermaid. I tried out many sounds for it. The actual chords were a lot easier to figure out because I just fooled around with the keyboard. I really liked this project.