Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Final Video Project

This video was actually the hardest project this year-fitting because it was the final. Overall, I think it took me 4 or 5 hours. Thank you to Dari, Heidi, and Russell for the voices. I started off by watching the video. Then I made a couple patterns that got thrown away in the end. I found a drum loop and the trumpet sound in the beginning. Next I decided to record a bunch of friends. After I figured out how to put them in the project, I added all of the other parts. In my opinion something is missing, but Mr. Rabuse said it was all good. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I still think it's all good. :-) The voices were great. I like the pitch change you used to imitate kids voices and the low adult voice. The disclaimer at the end was especially funny.
    the music was appropriate for a commercial, light and upbeat- just like the video. well done.
